Kit Checker

Keeping your airsoft equipment safe and tracked.

  • List your airsoft equipment on our database.
  • Check if an item is lost or stolen.
  • Report your item has been lost or stolen.
  • Check on an item you are looking to purchase.

We are very lucky to of partnered with Kit Checker.

Kit Checker is a system that allows you to upload your Airsoft items to their database by using your item / RIF's serial number and RIF's details.

If your RIF was lost or stolen you can contact Kit Checker and make them aware this is the case.

If anyone searches the database using your RIFs serial number you will then be alerted that the serial number has been searched for. The Person then searching the database (That might be looking to purchase your RIF on the used market) will then see the item has been reported as lost or stolen and this would potentially stop them from purchasing it and them reporting it to Kit Checker.

This will also help if you are looking to purchase a RIF as you can carry out a search on Kit Checker and this will alert you if it is lost or stolen.

More details coming soon....